Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Writing SMART Goal Online Games

Below are links to a few grammar games to help your child improve on their current Essential Standard Writing SMART Goal!

Subject/Verb Agreement -

Subject/Irregular Verb Agreement -

Irregular Verb Past Tense -

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

We Walked-for-Words!

Our class really worked hard last week at our Walk-for-Words walk-a-thon! I am so proud of each and every one of our students! As a class we ran a total of 226 laps! Any monies collected for sponsorships are due on February 25, 2011 so keep on collecting! If our school reaches our goal of $10,000 we will watch Mrs. Lake and Mr. Fergon have a tricycle race during our Character Counts assembly!

Top Runners in our class:
Jason, Geovanni, and Christian!

Monday, February 7, 2011


This Friday, February 11, 2011 Cielo Vista Charter students and staff will be participating in "Walk-for-Words". Students were sent home last week with sponsor forms. We are raising money to go to our school library! If our school reaches our goal of $10,000 Mrs. Lake and Mr. Fergon will have a tricycle race for the entire school to watch! Let's all work together to help raise money for our amazing school!